my research field
Quantum optics
of semiconductor nanostuructures
Together with my research group, I am investigating excitation kinetics in semiconductor systems, in particular the processes of interaction of light, matter and sound at the fundamental quantum level.

About Myself
Prof. Dr.
Paweł Machnikowski
I am a professor of theoretical physics and the leader
of a research group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Wrocław Tech.
My group
My research group
- Dr. Michał Gawełczyk
- Rafał Bogaczewicz
- Mateusz Kuniej
- Jakub Rosiński
- Jędrzej Usik
Research projects
Quantum Acoustooptics of Hybrid Nanosystems, NCN Maestro, 2024-2028, Grant No. 2023/50/A/ST3/00511
We will study the properties of solid-state quantum emitters interacting simultaneously with light and lattice vibrations (sound). Our goal is to develop methods for transducing quantum information between acoustic and optical (or microwave) degrees of freedom using quantum dots and defect centers in solids.
Light-matter-sound interaction and quantum optomechanical control of nanosystems, Research Group Linkage Grant, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2023-2025
This collaborative project aims at the complete theoretical description and experimental characterization of the physical processes that underlie the simultaneous coherent interaction of optical and mechanical (strain) fields with quantum emitters in solids. In our joint work, theoretical activity will be complemented by the experimental implementation of the proposed schemes.
Laser Fabrication and Ion Implantation of Defects as Quantum Emitters, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (Horizon 2020), 2021-2024, GA No. 956387
Within this innovative training network, the ESR employed in our group has studied the strain effects on the ODMR spectrum of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. We have shown that zero-field ODMR spectrum carries information on all relevant components of the strain tensor.
My teaching activity

Office hours for students in the Winter Semester 2024/2025: Monday, 10:00 – 11:00, office 234 A1.
I usually teach theoretical courses on quantum optics, quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics.
All the information and study material is available to enrolled students at the ePortal of Wrocław Tech.
Introduction to quantum optics
Basic concepts of quantum optics, without much formalism, at the undergraduate level. Inspired by the textbook of Mark Fox.
Script for the lecture (in Polish).
Advanced quantum mechanics
Graduate-level course covering advanced topics of angular momentum theory, Dirac equation, field operators in second quantization and formalism of quantum optics.
Latest News
News on our research activities.
Two scholarships are available to PhD students in our quantum acoustooptics project: Finite-element modeling of acoustic waveguides and resonators. Modeling of quantum emitters subject to….
Determining strain components in a diamond waveguide from zero-field optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles M. Sahnawaz Alam, Federico Gorrini, Michał….
Our project Quantum Acoustooptics of Hybrid Nanosystems (NCN Maestro, 2024-2028, Grant No. 2023/50/A/ST3/00511) was started on 10th July 2024. We will study the properties of….